High pressure heavy duty filter with easy cleaning and low maintenance
The Mi Glass Filter range is ideal for low maintenance and perfectly clean water. Designed to capture the organic material that enters your water and makes it look unsightly (as well as the food algae and pathogens feed off) the Mi Filter is filled with recycled crushed glass media or graded sand that minimises maintenance. When cleaning is required, the uniquely designed lateral system efficiently reverses flow, and eliminates dirt and debris down the back wash line, wasting less water and chemicals. Costly to replace, the Mi range is rated at 400 kPa operating pressure, more than 1.5 times the pressure rating of conventional media filters.
- High Pressure rating for longer life
- Unique underdrain matrix for even water distribution through glass media
- Efficienct backwash uses less water and wastes less chemicals during cleaning
- Easy disconnect unions makes service quicker and less costly
- 5 sizes to suit your pool and environment